This time of the year for me is about exploring things that are on my “tinker-later” list and tackling them with a festive zest and playful spirit in time for the holiday season! 😄🎄 We are going to explore one of the OpenAPI extensions, Dynamic Schema (x-ms-dynamic-schema), to extend the functionality of a custom connector.
To describe what this is all about, let’s start with the requirement. In our simple scenario, we have meetings and a set of attendees for those meetings, with each attendee assigned a meeting role. Currently, there is a Meetings
API that exposes this data in a structure as shown in the payload below:
{ "id": 2, "date": "2021-12-23T00:00:00", "name": "Delivery meeting", "type": 1, "attendees": [ { "id": 1, "fullname": "Santa", "role": { "id": 1, "name": "CEO", "displayName": "Chief Executive Officer" } }, ... ] }
A new requirement came up and this time we need to return the same data in a flattened structure with individual roles as root properties of the payload without the attendees
array. Here is an example of what the new payload should look like:
{ "id": 2, "date": "2021-12-23T00:00:00", "name": "Delivery meeting", "ceo": { "attendeeFullname": "Santa", "attendeeId": 1, "roleFullname": "Chief Executive Officer", "roleId": 1 }, ... }
With that, here is the list of objectives and what we are going to cover in this post:
- Understand the usage of dynamic schemas and define them in the OpenAPI (Swagger) specification to create our custom connector
- Look at different ways to generate dynamic schemas for dynamic data in C#
- Easily access the dynamic properties as dynamic content in Power Automate flow actions
- Capture and display the dynamic content using the experimental Canvas App feature called Dynamic Schema
What is Dynamic Schema?
To understand the use of Dynamic Schema, we must first revisit the definition of the OpenApi specification:
Swagger (OpenAPI) is a language-agnostic specification for describing REST APIs. It allows both computers and humans to understand the capabilities of a REST API without direct access to the source code
ASP.NET Core web API documentation with Swagger / OpenAPI
In a nutshell, it’s like a blueprint for API implementations. It describes the API, including the available endpoints, the HTTP verb operations on each endpoint, as well as the input and output parameters for each operation, and much more! Something else it defines which is of great interest to us is the JSON schema for the expected data types used by the API. This schema defines the format of each property of the data returned in the operation response and can also be used to define the schema of the body payload of operations.
To see what this looks like, here is the OpenAPI specification for the v1 endpoint for the Meetings API:
swagger: "2.0" info: { title: Sandbox Sample Connector, version: v1 } host: basePath: / schemes: [https] consumes: [] produces: [] paths: /api/v1/meetings/{meetingId}: get: tags: [MeetingsV1] produces: [application/json] parameters: - { in: path, name: meetingId, required: true, type: integer, format: int32, description: Enter meeting ID, x-ms-summary: Meeting Id, } responses: "200": description: Success schema: type: object title: Meeting properties: id: { format: int32, type: integer, title: Meeting Id } date: { format: date-time, type: string, title: Meeting Date } name: { type: string, title: Meeting Name } type: title: Meeting Type format: int32 enum: [0, 1, 2] type: integer attendees: type: array title: Attendees items: type: object properties: id: { format: int32, type: integer, title: Attendee Id } fullname: { type: string, title: Attendee Full Name } role: type: object title: Attendee Meeting Role properties: id: { format: int32, type: integer, title: Meeting Role Id, } name: { type: string, title: Meeting Role Name } displayName: { type: string, title: Meeting Role Display Name } summary: Get Meeting V1 operationId: GetMeetingV1 definitions: {} parameters: {} responses: {} securityDefinitions: {} security: [] tags: []
Note: I purposely inlined the schema definition for readability and understanding. We could have used theschema: {$ref: '#/definitions/Meeting'}
and defined theMeeting
schema underdefinitions: {...}
for reusability.
By explicitly defining the schema this way, we are basically stating that this is what to expect when using the API. You can see how the example payload of the v1 Meetings API endpoint is described by this schema definition. But what if we don’t know what this schema would look like? This is where the dynamic schema comes into play 😎. This is what the official Microsoft documentation has to say:
The dynamic schema indicates that the schema for the current parameter or response is dynamic. This object invokes an operation that’s defined by the value in this field, dynamically discovers the schema, and displays the appropriate user interface (UI) for collecting user input or shows the available fields
Use dynamic schema
Here is the OpenAPI specification for the v2 endpoint for the Meetings API using the dynamic schema definition:
swagger: '2.0' info: {title: Sandbox Sample Connector, version: v2} host: basePath: / schemes: [https] consumes: [] produces: [] paths: /api/v2/meetings/{meetingId}: get: tags: [MeetingsV2] parameters: - {in: path, name: meetingId, required: true, type: integer, format: int32, description: Enter meeting ID, x-ms-summary: Meeting ID} responses: '200': description: Success schema: type: object x-ms-dynamic-schema: operationId: GetMeetingSchema parameters: meetingId: {parameter: meetingId} summary: Get Meeting operationId: GetMeeting /api/v2/meetings/{meetingId}/schema: get: tags: [MeetingsV2] parameters: - {in: path, name: meetingId, required: true, type: integer, format: int32, description: Enter meeting ID, x-ms-summary: Meeting ID} responses: '200': description: Success schema: {type: object} summary: Get Meeting Schema operationId: GetMeetingSchema x-ms-visibility: internal definitions: {} parameters: {} responses: {} securityDefinitions: {} security: [] tags: []
Note: The OpenAPI specification caters for the most common cases, but it can also be extended to meet specific requirements of the authors or external vendors utilising the OpenAPI for their own tooling and APIs, etc. These extension properties are always prefixed with "x-<unique name>
", where Microsoft OpenAPI extensions are prefixed with "x-ms-<unique name>
". A list of Microsoft OpenAPI extensions to use with building custom connectors for Power Automate and Logic Apps can be found here.
As you can see, we are using the x-ms-dynamic-schema
OpenAPI extension to indicate that the schema for the operation response will be dynamically retrieved by calling the GetMeetingSchema
operation. This operation has x-ms-visibility
set to internal, to make sure it is hidden from the users and only available for internal use. What is defined here is pretty minimal and is just an instruction, the majority of the work of creating the dynamic content and schema is done by the API. Let’s have a look at that next 👇🏻.
Generating the Dynamic Content and Dynamic Schema using C#
We are going to cover 3 different scenarios. We are going to generate dynamic schemas for:
- An untyped object (a.k.a anonymous type)
- A typed object
- A JSON schema parsed and validated against an untyped object
The assumption here is that the service that returns the meeting object with attendees as an array property cannot be modified, therefore, the denormalisation of this meeting object to cater for the flattened structure will be implemented at the API layer.
To generate the schema in C#, we will be using the following NuGet packages:
- Newtonsoft.Json
- Newtonsoft.Json.Schema
- NJsonSchema
- NJsonSchema.CodeGeneration
Also, for my implementation of the API, I’m using Swashbuckle.AspNetCore
NuGet package to generate the Swagger (OpenAPI) definition which I won’t cover here.
#1. Dynamic schema for an untyped object
Scenario: A meeting has unique meeting roles and the number is unpredictable. Each unique role must be defined as a root property of the meeting object returned.
// Return untyped meeting object // GET /api/v2/meetings/{meetingId} // e.g. /api/v2/meetings/1 private IActionResult GetUntypedMeeting(Meeting meeting) { var untypedMeeting = MapUntypedMeeting(meeting); return Content(untypedMeeting.ToString(), "application/json", Encoding.UTF8); } private JObject MapUntypedMeeting(Meeting meeting) { var mappedMeeting = new JObject { ["id"] = meeting.Id, ["name"] = meeting.Name, ["date"] = meeting.Date }; foreach (var attendee in meeting.Attendees) { mappedMeeting[attendee.Role.Name.ToLower()] = new JObject { ["attendeeId"] = attendee.Id, ["attendeeFullname"] = attendee.Fullname, ["roleName"] = attendee.Role.DisplayName }; } return mappedMeeting; } // Return schema for untyped meeting object // GET /api/v2/meetings/{meetingId}/schema // e.g. /api/v2/meetings/1/schema private IActionResult GetUntypedMeetingSchema(Meeting meeting) { var schema = new JSchema { Type = JSchemaType.Object, Properties = { { "id", new JSchema { Type = JSchemaType.String, Title = "Meeting Id" } }, { "name", new JSchema { Type = JSchemaType.String, Title = "Meeting Name" } }, { "date", new JSchema { Type = JSchemaType.String, Title = "Meeting Date", Format = "date" } } } }; foreach (var attendee in meeting.Attendees) { var schemaRole = new JSchema { Type = JSchemaType.Object, Description = $"The role {attendee.Role.DisplayName}", Title = attendee.Role.Name, Properties = { { "attendeeId", new JSchema { Type = JSchemaType.String, Title = "Attendee Id", Description = $"The {attendee.Role.Name} role attendee ID" } }, { "attendeeFullname", new JSchema { Type = JSchemaType.String, Title = "Attendee Name", Description = $"The {attendee.Role.Name} role attendee name" } }, { "roleName", new JSchema { Type = JSchemaType.String, Title = "Role Name", Description = $"The {attendee.Role.Name} role display name" } }, } }; schema.Properties.Add(attendee.Role.Name.ToLower(), schemaRole); } return Content(schema.ToString(), "application/json", Encoding.UTF8); }
The above meeting schema is manually crafted in code using the JSchema
class. I was curious to know if there is a way to automatically generate this schema from the object itself. The simple answer is yes, by using the NJsonSchema.CodeGeneration.SampleJsonSchemaGenerator
. However, if the generator detects a reusable schema then it will reference it using the $ref
field and define the schema object at the definitions
node. Unfortunately, Power Automate doesn’t detect the dynamic schema when structured this way. Every schema must be defined in-line and not referenced when specifying the dynamic schema. Currently, there are no generator settings available in NJsonSchema
NuGet to tell it to ignore the reference handling. So here comes the (hacky) workaround, we can achieve this without writing much code by parsing the schema twice but the second time with the Newtonsoft.Json.Schema
private IActionResult GetUntypedMeetingSchemaAlternative(Meeting meeting) { var untypedMeeting = MapUntypedMeeting(meeting); var generator = new SampleJsonSchemaGenerator(); var firstPassSchema = generator.Generate(untypedMeeting.ToString()); var secondPassSchema = JSchema.Parse(firstPassSchema.ToJson()); var schemaJson = secondPassSchema.ToString(new JSchemaWriterSettings { ReferenceHandling = JSchemaWriterReferenceHandling.Never }); return Content(schemaJson, "application/json", Encoding.UTF8); }
Note: This is very experimental as I am also learning 😅. If you are reading this and know of an elegant way, please let me know!
// Output - Meeting Payload { "id": 1, "name": "Pre-flight meeting", "date": "2021-12-23T00:00:00", "frr": { "attendeeId": 1, "attendeeFullname": "Dasher", "roleName": "Flight Rear Right" }, "frl": { "attendeeId": 2, "attendeeFullname": "Dancer", "roleName": "Flight Rear Left" }, "fmr": { "attendeeId": 3, "attendeeFullname": "Prancer", "roleName": "Flight Middle Right" }, "fml": { "attendeeId": 4, "attendeeFullname": "Vixen", "roleName": "Flight Middle Left" }, "ffr": { "attendeeId": 5, "attendeeFullname": "Comet", "roleName": "Flight Front Right" }, "ffl": { "attendeeId": 6, "attendeeFullname": "Cupid", "roleName": "Flight Front Left" }, "fcpr": { "attendeeId": 7, "attendeeFullname": "Donner", "roleName": "Flight Co-Pilot Right" }, "fcpl": { "attendeeId": 8, "attendeeFullname": "Blitzen", "roleName": "Flight Co-Pilot Left" }, "fp": { "attendeeId": 9, "attendeeFullname": "Rudolph", "roleName": "Flight Pilot" }, ...[more] } // Output - Meeting Schema { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "title": "Meeting Id", "type": "string" }, "name": { "title": "Meeting Name", "type": "string" }, "date": { "title": "Meeting Date", "type": "string", "format": "date" }, "frr": { "title": "FRR", "description": "The role Flight Rear Right", "type": "object", "properties": { "attendeeId": { "title": "Attendee Id", "description": "The FRR role attendee ID", "type": "string" }, "attendeeFullname": { "title": "Attendee Name", "description": "The FRR role attendee name", "type": "string" }, "roleName": { "title": "Role Name", "description": "The FRR role display name", "type": "string" } } }, "frl": { /* same as above */ }, "fmr": { /* same as above */ }, "fml": { /* same as above */ }, "ffr": { /* same as above */ }, "ffl": { /* same as above */ }, "fcpr": { /* same as above */ }, "fcpl": { /* same as above */ }, "fp": { /* same as above */ }, ...[more] } }
#2. Dynamic schema for a typed object
Scenario: A meeting has a set of predictable meeting roles to assign to attendees. These meetings can be templated and rarely change. Each predetermined role must be defined as a root property of the meeting object returned.
// Return typed meeting object // GET /api/v2/meetings/{meetingId} // e.g. /api/v2/meetings/2 private IActionResult GetTypedMeeting(Meeting meeting) { var typedMeeting = MapTypedMeeting(meeting); return Ok(typedMeeting); } private ExecutiveMeeting MapTypedMeeting(Meeting meeting) { var mappedMeeting = new ExecutiveMeeting { Id = meeting.Id, Name = meeting.Name, Date = meeting.Date }; foreach (var attendee in meeting.Attendees) { var assignment = new MeetingAssignment { AttendeeFullname = attendee.Fullname, AttendeeId = attendee.Id, RoleFullname = attendee.Role.DisplayName, RoleId = attendee.Role.Id }; switch (attendee.Role.Name) { case "CEO": mappedMeeting.CEO = assignment; break; case "CDO": mappedMeeting.CDO = assignment; break; case "CFO": mappedMeeting.CFO = assignment; break; case "COO": mappedMeeting.COO = assignment; break; case "CPO": mappedMeeting.CPO = assignment; break; } } return mappedMeeting; } public class ExecutiveMeeting { [DisplayName("Meeting Id")] public int Id { get; set; } [DisplayName("Meeting Date")] public DateTime Date { get; set; } [DisplayName("Meeting Name")] public string Name { get; set; } [DisplayName("CEO")] [Description("The Chief Executive Officer meeting assignment")] public MeetingAssignment CEO { get; set; } [DisplayName("CDO")] [Description("The Chief Delivery Officer meeting assignment")] public MeetingAssignment CDO { get; set; } [DisplayName("CFO")] [Description("The Chief Financial Officer meeting assignment")] public MeetingAssignment CFO { get; set; } [DisplayName("COO")] [Description("The Chief Operating Officer meeting assignment")] public MeetingAssignment COO { get; set; } [DisplayName("CPO")] [Description("The Chief Procurement Officer meeting assignment")] public MeetingAssignment CPO { get; set; } } public class MeetingAssignment { [DisplayName("Attendee Name")] public string AttendeeFullname { get; set; } [DisplayName("Attendee Id")] public int AttendeeId { get; set; } [DisplayName("Role Name")] public string RoleFullname { get; set; } [DisplayName("Role Id")] public int RoleId { get; set; } } // Return schema for typed meeting object // GET /api/v2/meetings/{meetingId}/schema // e.g. /api/v2/meetings/2/schema private IActionResult GetTypedMeetingSchema() { var generator = new JSchemaGenerator { ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver(), SchemaReferenceHandling = SchemaReferenceHandling.None, DefaultRequired = Required.DisallowNull }; var schema = generator.Generate(typeof(ExecutiveMeeting)); return Content(schema.ToString(), "application/json", Encoding.UTF8); }
In the case where the object returned is a known type, we can easily annotate the class properties with System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute
and System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute
which the JSchemaGenerator will identify and map them as title
and description
properties in the schema.
Something I learned the hard way is that a dynamic schema with a nullable type doesn’t work when loading the dynamic schema in Power Automate:
{ "type": "object", "properties": { "attendeeFullname": { "type": "string" //<--- Works }, "roleFullname": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] //<--- Doesn't work! } } }
So make sure to either specify { DefaultRequired = Required.DisallowNull }
when setting the JSchemaGenerator
or annotate the property with Json.NET serialization attributes like the example shown here.
// Output - Meeting Payload { "id": 2, "date": "2021-12-23T00:00:00", "name": "Delivery meeting", "ceo": { "attendeeFullname": "Santa", "attendeeId": 1, "roleFullname": "Chief Executive Officer", "roleId": 1 }, "cdo": { "attendeeFullname": "Rudolph", "attendeeId": 2, "roleFullname": "Chief Delivery Officer", "roleId": 2 }, "cfo": { "attendeeFullname": "Grinch", "attendeeId": 3, "roleFullname": "Chief Financial Officer", "roleId": 3 }, "coo": { "attendeeFullname": "The Elf", "attendeeId": 4, "roleFullname": "Chief Operating Officer", "roleId": 4 }, "cpo": { "attendeeFullname": "Carol", "attendeeId": 5, "roleFullname": "Chief Procurement Officer", "roleId": 5 } } // Output - Meeting Schema { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "title": "Meeting Id", "type": "integer" }, "date": { "title": "Meeting Date", "type": "string", "format": "date-time" }, "name": { "title": "Meeting Name", "type": "string" }, "ceo": { "title": "CEO", "description": "The Chief Executive Officer meeting assignment", "type": "object", "properties": { "attendeeFullname": { "title": "Attendee Name", "type": "string" }, "attendeeId": { "title": "Attendee Id", "type": "integer" }, "roleFullname": { "title": "Role Name", "type": "string" }, "roleId": { "title": "Role Id", "type": "integer" } } }, "cdo": { /* same as above */ }, "cfo": { /* same as above */ }, "coo": { /* same as above */ }, "cpo": { /* same as above */ } } }
#3. Dynamic schema parsed from JSON schema and validated against an untyped object
Scenario: This is the same as the previous scenario but instead of hardcoding the schema, the API will retrieve the schema from a data store like Dataverse so that the schema can be easily modified as required by users. The schema will need to be validated against the targeted object before returning.
// Return untyped meeting object // GET /api/v2/meetings/{meetingId} // e.g. /api/v2/meetings/3 private IActionResult GetGeneralMeeting(Meeting meeting) { var generalMeeting = MapGeneralMeeting(meeting); return Content(generalMeeting.ToString(), "application/json", Encoding.UTF8); } private JObject MapGeneralMeeting(Meeting meeting) { var mappedMeeting = new JObject { ["id"] = meeting.Id, ["name"] = meeting.Name, ["date"] = meeting.Date }; foreach (var attendee in meeting.Attendees) { mappedMeeting[attendee.Role.Name.ToLower()] = attendee.Fullname; } return mappedMeeting; } // Return schema for typed meeting object // GET /api/v2/meetings/{meetingId}/schema // e.g. /api/v2/meetings/3/schema private IActionResult GetValidatedMeetingSchema(Meeting meeting) { var schemaJson = _sampleService.GetPredefinedMeetingSchema(meeting.Type); var schema = JSchema.Parse(schemaJson); var mappedMeeting = MapGeneralMeeting(meeting); var meetingObj = JObject.Parse(mappedMeeting.ToString()); bool valid = meetingObj.IsValid(schema); if (valid) return Content(schemaJson, "application/json", Encoding.UTF8); return BadRequest(); } // SampleService.cs // Note: these are hard-coded here but the idea is to retrieve them from a data store like Dataverse public string GetPredefinedMeetingSchema(MeetingType type) { switch(type) { case MeetingType.General: return @"{ ""type"": ""object"", ""properties"": { ""id"": { ""type"": ""integer"", ""title"": ""Meeting Id"" }, ""date"": { ""type"": ""string"", ""format"": ""date-time"", ""title"": ""Meeting Date"" }, ""name"": { ""type"": ""string"", ""title"": ""Meeting Name"" }, ""speaker1"": { ""type"": ""string"", ""description"": ""The full name of the speaker 1"", ""title"": ""Speaker 1"" }, ""speaker2"": { ""type"": ""string"", ""description"": ""The full name of the speaker 2"", ""title"": ""Speaker 2"" }, ""speaker3"": { ""type"": ""string"", ""description"": ""The full name of the speaker 3"", ""title"": ""Speaker 3"" }, ""mc"": { ""type"": ""string"", ""description"": ""The full name of the master of ceremonies"", ""title"": ""Master of Ceremonies"" }, ""tech"": { ""type"": ""string"", ""description"": ""The full name of the technician"", ""title"": ""Technician"" } } }"; default: return @"{ ""type"": ""object"", ""properties"": { ""id"": { ""type"": ""integer"" }, ""date"": { ""type"": ""string"", ""format"": ""date-time"" }, ""name"": { ""type"": ""string"" } } }"; } }
In the meeting payload below, I have specified one extra role – entertainment
but haven’t specified this in the schema. When we load this in Power Automate action or Canvas App, the entertainment
property won’t appear as it is not defined in the schema.
// Output - Meeting Payload { "id": 3, "name": "Year 2021 send off meeting", "date": "2021-12-31T00:00:00", "speaker1": "Iron Man", "speaker2": "Captain America", "speaker3": "Thor", "mc": "Wolverine", "tech": "Hulk", "entertainment": "Spider-Man" } // Output - Meeting Schema { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "integer", "title": "Meeting Id" }, "date": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time", "title": "Meeting Date" }, "name": { "type": "string", "title": "Meeting Name" }, "speaker1": { "type": "string", "description": "The full name of the speaker 1", "title": "Speaker 1" }, "speaker2": { "type": "string", "description": "The full name of the speaker 2", "title": "Speaker 2" }, "speaker3": { "type": "string", "description": "The full name of the speaker 3", "title": "Speaker 3" }, "mc": { "type": "string", "description": "The full name of the master of ceremonies", "title": "Master of Ceremonies" }, "tech": { "type": "string", "description": "The full name of the technician", "title": "Technician" } } }
Use the Custom Connector From Power Automate Flow (Dynamic Content)
The Get Meeting
action for the custom connector can be used in a Power Automate flow like this:

The result of flow execution would look like the following:

Depending on the meeting ID specified, different dynamic content will be available for the 3 scenarios covered:
Scenario | Dynamic Content |
#1. Dynamic schema for an untyped object | ![]() |
#2. Dynamic schema for a typed object | ![]() |
#3. Dynamic schema parsed from JSON for an untyped object | ![]() |
Use the Custom Connector From Canvas App (Dynamic Schema Feature)
In Canvas App, to utilise the dynamic schema returned by the custom connector we must first enable an experimental feature in the Settings section of the app called Dynamic schema

Once this setting is enabled, we can call the operations on the custom connector that returns the dynamic schema and capture them, like taking snapshots, to use in the app. To demonstrate this, let’s first add the custom connector to the app and then place a button that calls the GetMeeting
operation on button select:

As soon as we reference and try to use the GetMeeting
operation, it will prompt a warning on the Canvas App element as well as the double underline in the Power Fx formula. The warning message will say – “Warning: Select ‘Capture Schema’ at the bottom of the expanded formula bar to set and refresh this method’s result schema. Otherwise this method will return no result”. Follow the instruction and expand the formula bar using the Chevron icon then you will see the Capture schema

When you click on this option, Power Apps Studio will request the dynamic schema for this particular operation from the custom connector and store it against the app. You can start referencing the properties from the other Canvas App elements like this:

You can read more detailed information about this feature in the Microsoft announcement post.
That’s it for now but I will cover more about this and other OpenAPI extensions + topics related to custom connectors in future posts! Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Hope you enjoyed the post, let me know your thoughts in the comments below or any of my contact channels 😎